Workana Time Report gives you greater visibility and control over the work done by a freelancer on your hourly projects.
Freelancer installs Workana Time Report app
Ask your freelancer to install the application on their computer. Once it’s installed, they must log into their Workana account, using their username and password.
Workana Time Report will monitor and track the time spent on each task
The freelancer must select the project and enter the task they will be working on. Once they click on ‘GO!’, the app will track the time and take screenshots of their work. They can stop the time tracking momentarily, or finish the task and move on to another task or project.
Monitor freelancer work
You can view the tasks and hours reported on the project by the freelancer through Workana Time Report on your Work Journal, in your Workana account. The reports of Worked Hours will display an eye symbol in an additional column. If you click on the eye, you will be able to view all the screenshots taken during that specific task.