Analisando propostas

Write Snake in Javascript

Publicado em 22 de Março de 2014 dias na TI e Programação

Sobre este projeto


This is an extremely straight-forward project that shouldn't take more than 2 hours.

I want you to write the classic game, "Snake". Here's the game if you've never played it:

I wrote unit tests to verify whether or not the code is correct. The tests fixture is available at, and the actual tests are located at

I have a few more unit tests that I'll run myself before accepting the solution (so don't just try to hardcode the solutions).

I will accept any reasonable solution that passes the tests.

To get started, download the page, and start putting your code within the script tag.

Contact me with questions, and I'll respond quickly.

Categoria TI e Programação

Prazo de Entrega: 23 de Março de 2014

Habilidades necessárias