Evaluating bids

Criar uma charge

Published on the January 15, 2016 in Design & Multimedia

About this project


Com base neste texto:

If you think designers should be shaping business strategy, you’re going to love Businessology, because it covers the business of design and the design of businesses. You’ll get insights into topics like business plans, the art of onboarding, and how to turn your passion project into a full-fledged business.

Criar uma charge, gif ou ilustração criativa que demonstre como os designers podem usar seus dons no desenho de UX, serviços, estratégias... Designers e Business, uma relação íntima: como os dotes gráficos ajudam o designer a desenhar serviços? Criar uma peça criativa e leve sobre esse tema.

Category Design & Multimedia
Subcategory Illustrations
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: January 22, 2016

Skills needed

Other projects posted by C. W.