Evaluating bids

Data analysis for marketing

Published on the December 30, 2021 in Sales & Marketing

About this project


The purpose of this project is to conduct micro-marketing data research for a product, in order to determine consumers' purchase intention of the product. Need details for the company, team members, price, information and data analysis for the product.In this project will do a survey for the product to get the data for consumers.

Project overview

The purpose of this project is to conduct micro-marketing research on a product, in order to determine consumers' purchase intention. This project will be divided into 7 parts which are a short introduction, literature review of key terms, research methodology, data analysis, recommendation, conclusion and also reference list.

Category Sales & Marketing
Subcategory Data Analytics
Project size Medium
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed