
Write lyrics for a tribute song for a birthday

Publicado el 11 Febrero, 2015 en Redacción y Traducción

Sobre este proyecto


This job is to create lyrics for a special song for a thirteen year old boy.. A bar mitzvah that he and his family will sing at the event.. He will talk about himself and what he likes, parents on what great kid he is, siblings about their relationship with him is and friends what they do with him.
I have all the info about the kid and the song.. I need someone to write it and make it rhyme, fun, creative, emotional, etc..
Anyone who has done similar things.. Great.. (If you have samples its a plus)
Pay is $ 45 for the song. I need a draft in a few days and then we go back and forth with some adjustments.. I sometimes have these in spanish as well as english..
If you have done anything similar send me a sample.. thanks

Categoría Redacción y Traducción
¿Es un proyecto o una posición? Un proyecto
Disponibilidad requerida Según se necesite

Plazo de Entrega: 17 Febrero, 2015

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