Analisando propostas

Tattoo Creation/Modeling

Publicado em 11 de Fevereiro de 2019 dias na Design e Multimedia

Sobre este projeto


Hello, I have a sketch that I do and I want to make that a tattoo in combination with other reference arts that I like and make a perfect tattoo for me.
The main idea is an owl on my leg/calf with a size of 30x10 cm. Black only.

The general appearance needs to be more dark/evil but not too many,
In the shoulders it is supposed to be a moon and maybe stars under that.
I prefer something like the original owl, and on the top of the head I was thinking in a moon with geometrical details and the moon above the owl should be just a half moon like in my drawing.

Can you do that?
Please cheaper as possible...I'm poor literally BROKE!

Categoria Design e Multimedia
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Prazo de Entrega: 18 de Fevereiro de 2019

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