Evaluating bids

Web Designer

Published on the January 27, 2020 in Design & Multimedia

About this project


You'll work closely with our customer success team and our other design experts to focus on what you love most - design! If you enjoy freelancing, designing websites, and working in an open and creative environment, then the web designer role with OnlineCasinos77France https://onlinecasinos77france.com/ is the right fit for you!

Job Requirements:
• You are remote or a local France web designer.

• You have excellent written English skills.

• You have 3-5 years of web design experience and are excited to do customer-focused website delivery.

• You have 1-2 years of html/css experience.

• You are available minimum 10 hours a week, maximum 20 hours a week.

• You are comfortable turning unstructured customer content and requests into into pixel-perfect web designs that work on all devices.

• You are excited to receive feedback from a customer success manager or an art director, and are equally excited to push back on design decisions you disagree with.

• You have desktop and mobile web design experience.

• You are happy to work on a customer deliverable for a few hours at a time, and then move on to a different customer's deliverable.

• You are excited to learn our Design Suite.

Category Design & Multimedia
Subcategory Web design
What do you need? Medium-sized change
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed