Evaluating bids

Criação de dois sites para um escritório de contabilidade - Domínio smartcontabilidadebr.com.br

Published on the February 09, 2024 in IT & Programming

About this project


Em inglês e português:
Smart Contabilidade Brasil:
1 - Home - about us, our clients and sucess histories
2 - Services - Bookeeping, accounting, taxes, payroll, Consulting (advisory), Outsourcing and Digital Accounting Office (in that moment open a new website)
2.1 - Smart On Contabilidade Brasil
2.1.1 - Solutions - open business, changing accountant
2.1.2 - About us
2.1.3 - Services - Digital Bank, Regularization of companies, Smart On: Services will be defined by the accounting accounting after this initial propose (but just one page).
2.1.4 - Prices to small business
2.1.5 - Contact
2.1.6 - Get Coneected - Client and make na appointments
3 - Blog and News
4 - Smart Courses and videos
5 - Get Coneected - Client and make na appointments

Com base nas informações acima serão desenvolvidos dois websites e eles trarão algumas informações importantes para os clientes, com ferramentas que serão desenvolvidas pelo time.

Cabe ressaltar que as apresentações abaixo é para o desenvolvimento de dois websites www.smartoncontabilidade.com.br e smartcontabilidadebr.com.br, e abaixo são apenas apresentações e não o design.

Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Web design
What is the scope of the project? Create a new custom design
Is this a project or a position? Project
I currently have I have an idea
Required availability As needed
API Integrations Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), Cloud Storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), Other (Other APIs)
Specific need Design a landing page
Roles needed Developer, Designer, Design a landing page

Delivery term: March 31, 2024

Skills needed

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