Analisando propostas

Design Streetwear T-Shirt

Publicado em 31 de Janeiro de 2021 dias na Design e Multimedia

Sobre este projeto


Nice to glad u guys, at Malaysia I had a SDN.BHD company to getting ready for receiving a team member to work with us. Because this is a new branding of clothing I hope to get real and working hard members to join us. And this is what I’m truly necessary for starting.
My Branding name is DÉUXVĒZÈE, Hope u guys have technical people to support us.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

Actually I’m looking for team members can working as graphic design and photography for every product of my branding. I’ve been started this company a few years ago but, not so good for business at all because I don’t have technical people to work with us. I found this website from google hope can get a real member can be working with me together.

Categoria Design e Multimedia
Subcategoria Design de moda
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Prazo de Entrega: 15 de Fevereiro de 2021

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