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Develop a tiny Pwa Web App and integrate it with a Rest Api Embedded Server

Published on the June 20, 2023 in IT & Programming

About this project


Tech Skills: pwa, rest api, node.js, Next.js

We need to develop a simple and short PWA Web App to control crud dweller (name, photo, phone, email, plate, group) and visitor (same as dweller plus start/end interval) and integrate via rest api to embedded server.

We already have a system running on the customer side (embedded server). That system was designed to register dwellers/visitors manually (thru it’s web interface) and also has rest api for integration purpose.

We want to:
develop a pwa web app to register all the dwellers/visitors faster than type one by one on the system web interface.
We trully believe that using PWA Web App allows owners to accelerate the goal of finish all the registers.
So, we are asking for a PWA Web App to:
1. The owner, and just him, will log in using apartment and pwd (only one pwd for each apartment)
    a) All apartments and its pwd are already included on the embedded system.
2. The owner will control his apartment. So he can add, remove and list another person from it.
3. Each person inside an apartment (the owner as well) has name, group, vehicle, picture, email, phone, unit. If that person is a Visitor, he also has start/end interval.
4. Every person will be saved via rest api on the embedded server thru pwa web app
5. It must run on mobile environment (iOs, android and so on) and must allow to shortcut it at home screen
6. It must use good practices for security (SSL, https, avoiding exploitations )
7. We need all source codes
8. Need at least 3 months support after finish

Project overview

Precisamos desenvolver um sistema de cadastro de moradores e visitantes que permita ao proprietario da unidade cadastrar essas pessoas, atraves de seu celular. Apos pesquisa na internet, entendemos que o caminho seria produzir um PWA Web App, pois o mesmo pode ser baixado para a tela inicial do celular (como se fosse um app) sem necessariamente ter que passar por toda a jornada de producao de um app nativo (publicar nas lojas, aguardar verificacao da apple,...)

Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Web development
What is the scope of the project? Small change or bug
Is this a project or a position? Project
I currently have I have the design
Required availability As needed
API Integrations Other (Other APIs)
Roles needed Developer
I need to Create an app
Similar apps Other

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed

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