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Mobile App Development for thesis project

Publicado el 21 Febrero, 2020 en Diseño y Multimedia

Sobre este proyecto


Hello! I'm very new to this but I really need the help of an app developer for the production of my thesis project since I have no experience in coding. The final product is a type of productivity app that has a social aspect to it, wherein a person can connect with their group of peers and check up on one another's progress. There will also be a reward aspect wherein the user accumulates points for "badges" as well as real-life rewards to be provided by connected peers - think Starbucks stars rewards system.
Also, each person would have the option to notify a member who's been slacking on their work. I have wireframes and more details but it's difficult to discuss in just this preview.

Categoría Diseño y Multimedia
Subcategoría Diseño de App Móvil
¿Qué necesitas? Crear un nuevo diseño personalizado
¿Es un proyecto o una posición? Un proyecto
Disponibilidad requerida Según se necesite
Apps similares Otro

Plazo de Entrega: No definido

Habilidades necesarias