Evaluando propuestas

Paranormal romance

Publicado el 08 Enero, 2023 en Redacción y Traducción

Sobre este proyecto



We are looking for a ghostwriter for the paranormal romance genre, subgenre: shifter romance. Our books are 40,000 words long, and you’ll be provided with tropes for each story. This is in principle a long-term position.

The ideal candidate should:

- be a native English speaker
- be able to write high-quality original stories
- have excellent writing skills that include character depth and gripping story lines
- adherence to deadlines

We pay i.e., 150 USD for a 40,000 words story.

Please apply with a sample of your past work and (to ensure that you’ve read the entire job post) start your application with the name of the current president of your country.


Categoría Redacción y Traducción
Subcategoría Redacción de artículos

Plazo de Entrega: No definido

Habilidades necesarias

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