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Pic software assembly code

Publicado em 12 de Maio de 2019 dias na Engenharia e Manufatura

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Hello there pıc 16F877A microcontroller with assembly code will software .There are two 7-segment display .I designed the circuit but could not write the software . Two 7 segments at the same time . Respectively .'

0' at the same time and character 'u' after than delay 1000 ms' 0' and '6' at the sime time after than 2 and character 'a' after than character 't' and character 'k' software .10 sec wait after the characters and numbers shown at the same time

Categoria Engenharia e Manufatura
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Tamanho do projeto Pequeño
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Prazo de Entrega: 16 de Maio de 2019

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