Evaluating bids

Se Buscan Estudiantes, Profesionales, Académicos, Etc Para Escribir Artículos

Published on the April 16, 2019 in Writing & Translation

About this project


Todas las indicaciones están en los archivos adjuntos

Los temas disponibles aún sin reservar en esta semana son los siguientes.
Si te interesa trabajar en alguno de ellos avísame, te confirmo la reserva y te envío un breve resumen del mismo.

2. Use of the techniques of space econometric for the analysis of the criminal conduct in debt for the society of Quevedo Ecuador
8.- Methodology to determine the degree of comprehension of Higher Education students in Ecuador
10.- Methodology to assess the OECD principles fulfillment in the Faculty of Management Sciences at the University of Guayaquil.
12.- Fuzzy system to support legal decision making in Ecuador
15.- Application of Spatial Econometric techniques and rough set theory to study the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Ecuador

Category Writing & Translation
Subcategory Article writing
How many words? Between 1,000 and 5,000 words
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed

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