Evaluando propuestas

Slykigai App Developer / Developer Team

Publicado el 04 Marzo, 2021 en Diseño y Multimedia

Sobre este proyecto


Slykigai App

Slyk.io is looking for an app developer or development team to help us build a Slykigai app on top of Slyk’s API. The app will be web-based and will consist of a flow that guides the user through a series of exercises / questions so that they can find their “ikigai”, their purpose in life.

Once the user has gone through the “ikigai” flow, leads the user to download Slyk and set up on their online store according to their ikigai. We call this Slykigai - the productizing and powering of your purpose.

You will work with the Slyk team to come up with wireframes, sitemap, user flows, and site design. Colors, fonts, graphics will be existing Slyk assets.

Slyk’s API provides the e-commerce, referral rewards, and payment processing. You will use Slyk’s API to power the Slykigai app.

About Slyk:

Slyk is the easy e-commerce onramp for freelancers and gigsters to set up a business and turn their client and social networks into a motivated sales force:

Set-up to Viral in Minutes.
Joy to Buy in Minutes.
Free until you have at least 30 sales per month.

API to build on when you’re ready to take it to the next level.

For more information about Slyk, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.



Slykigai is the mindset of doing what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for using Slyk.

For more information about Slykigai, read this Blog Post https://slykhq.medium.com/productize-your-purpose-eed900cf24dd, watch these videos, and follow Slyk on Social Media.

Slykigai-or-Die Challenge

Slykigai-or-Die 21 Day Challenge is a campaign to help entrepreneurs discover, productize, and power their purpose. It is a holistic program that combines Slykigai with the wealth-creation framework of Naval Ravikant, meditation, exercise, and daily Clubhouse/Zoom sessions with Slyk CEO & Co-Founder Tim Parsa.

For more information about the Slykigai-or-Die challenge, please see Presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSPlSsoocERlkawkuAgKJo4Nau878CqM26YXImdum0m3odJCzvKdCKXF5vU9578hOWOCeyDbMV9hNcp/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000.

Categoría Diseño y Multimedia
Subcategoría Diseño de App Móvil
¿Qué necesitas? Cambio mediano
¿Es un proyecto o una posición? Un proyecto
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Apps similares Airbnb

Plazo de Entrega: 13 Marzo, 2021

Habilidades necesarias

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