Evaluando propuestas

Vidéaste in Kinshasa pour 1 journée de tournage d'Itw + portraits photos

Publicado el 30 Noviembre, 2023 en Diseño y Multimedia

Sobre este proyecto


We are currently looking for a videographer based in Brazzaville to shoot about ten interviews with children in a clothing store during a day. This project also includes taking portrait photos of the children. We are seeking someone with their own equipment (e.g., A7S) and comfortable directing an interview. The questions will be provided in advance, and the interviews will be very short (approximately 3 to 5 minutes). The background and technical details will be communicated to you soon.

It would be necessary to provide us with the video rushes within 24 hours as we start post-production the day after the shoot.

Required skills:

Video shooting (a fixed shot on a tripod)
Comfortable directing interviews
Comfortable with children
With their own equipment
We remain available for any additional information.

Categoría Diseño y Multimedia
Subcategoría Crear o editar video
¿Qué necesitas? Video nuevo a partir de grabaciones existentes
¿Es un proyecto o una posición? Un proyecto
Disponibilidad requerida Según se necesite
Voy a proveer Filmación original, Fotos
Duración De 3 a 5 minutos

Plazo de Entrega: 10 Enero, 2024

Habilidades necesarias