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Redaccion de articulos para blog

Published on the June 15, 2021 in Writing & Translation

About this project


Necesito crear contenido relacionado con arte, fotografía y video para mi pagina web en ingles. Tengo este ejemplo que empece aca:

Why hiring a professional company for producing your video?

Not including a video in a 2021 marketing strategy is a big mistake. Creating video looks easy for everybody in this tik tok and Instagram era.
Often, you see on tik tok and Instagram that you can create incredible videos following a few steps, but let’s be real, creating a professional video is not that easy.

Sometimes as an entrepreneur and small business we think that hiring a company for a video is crazy expensive and that does not make sense for “just a video.” We’ll tell you why is important to invest in your video production.

Blogs que me gustan:


Project overview

La idea seria crear contenido mensual para mi pagina web. Necesito crear una entrada de blog a la semana.

Category Writing & Translation
Subcategory Writing for websites
How many words? Less than 1,000 words
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed