Evaluating bids

Assembly Language Project

Published on the October 02, 2019 in IT & Programming

About this project


Program specification

Read a LETTER (i.e. As a character input and not as numeric input from the
keyboard. It must be in the range A-F. All other input must be ignored.

Once read, the letter must be printed on the terminal in so called 'banner'
format. When an 'A' is typed, the following "A" equivalent is printed:

# #
# #
# #
# #
# #

When a 'B' is typed, "B" equivalent is printed.
When a 'C' is typed, "C" equivalent is printed.

When a 'D' is typed, "D" equivalent is printed.
When a 'E' is typed, "E" equivalent is printed.
When a 'F' is typed, "F" equivalent is printed.

The program should then wait for a new key to be pressed and repeat its
operation. The program execution is terminated when a 'Z' is typed.

In your program, you make use of the following data statements:

dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' ####### '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' ###### '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' ###### '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' ###### '
dc.b ' ##### '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' ##### '
dc.b ' ###### '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' # # '
dc.b ' ###### '
dc.b ' ####### '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' ##### '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' ####### '
dc.b ' ####### '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' ##### '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' # '
dc.b ' # '

Each character consists Precisely of 10 columns and 7 rows. You are not
allowed to modify these data statements in any way (including insertion
of extra labels).

The program consists essentially of two nested FOR loops; the inner loop
prints the ten characters in each row, and the outer loop prints the seven
rows, locating the start of each of the rows within the data statements.

Explanation of the marking categories:

Programming: Your code will be checked for completeness as well as
whether the LOOPs/nested LOOPs are implemented correctly.
Programs that simply duplicate code for each letter will be marked
down. Code duplication must be avoided.

You will be expected to use subroutines for the input and output of
characters, and any other parts of the program as appropriate.

Note : All parts of the instructions should be shown in neat
columns. Comments should be vertically aligned as much as possible.
In addition, make sure that the comments do not 'spill over' to the
next line - this is very distracting and looks messy.


This describes the algorithm either in terms of pseudocode or as a
flow diagram. Legal inputs should be specified, and a brief desciption
of the expected output format.
Do illustrate in detail :
- input validation that only "A" to "F" and "Z" are accepted as valid inputs
- how to move to the starting character of the corresponding 7x10 banner to
be printed out (using str as the base address and calculating the offset)
- how to print the 7x10 banner (using nested for loop and printing char by char)

Testing and Results:

Discuss the design of the test data, including illegal ones, to make sure
that the loops in your program are exercised propoerly by the test data.

Present screen dumps of the working program. It should show that the program
produces correct output for legal input. It should also show that illegal
input is rejected.

The results should be correct.

Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Other
Project size Small
Is this a project or a position? Project
I currently have I have specifications
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed