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Bet365 bot creation

Publicado em 02 de Outubro de 2022 dias na TI e Programação

Sobre este projeto


Hi! I want to intergrate two apps in one. The first app is called bet365 and it’s not available in Google Play and the second is called Overwin and it’s available in Play Store. The first one is a betting website and the second is an algorithm and it sends notificiations on what matches you should stake on. So, I want if it’s possible to intergrate these two apps, so when a notificiation comes, the other app stakes on this match, so there is no need for me to do this job and spend time opening the app to see the suggestion and then stake on it.

But the whole project doesn't end here as I also want the app to stake 10% of the available money I have in bet365 and only stake the notification if the odd in bet365 is offered in 1.70 and higher

Hit me up if you want more details if you are interested in working with me

Categoria TI e Programação
Subcategoria Outros
Tamanho do projeto Pequeño
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Tenho, atualmente Eu tenho uma ideia geral
Disponibilidade requerida Conforme necessário
Integrações de API Outros (Outras APIs)

Prazo de Entrega: Não estabelecido

Habilidades necessárias