Evaluating bids

Copy write

Published on the October 07, 2023 in Writing & Translation

About this project


Reproduction: The copyright holder has the exclusive right to make copies of the work, whether in print, digital, or any other format.

Distribution: The copyright holder can control the distribution of their work, including selling, renting, or lending it to others.

Public Performance: This right pertains to works like music, plays, and films. The copyright holder can determine when and where their work can be performed in public.

Public Display: Similar to public performance, this right allows the copyright holder to control how their work is displayed in public, such as in art exhibitions or museums.

Derivative Works: The copyright holder has the exclusive right to create derivative works based on their original work. This includes adaptations, translations, and modifications.

Publicly Share: The copyright holder can decide whether

Project overview

The environment in which the project is taking place. The core aspects of context are the scope, setting, phase, decision-making processes, and stakeholders. An alternative breakdown of context includes: Physical Environment - Where the project is physically located and those characteristics.

Category Writing & Translation
Subcategory Article writing
How many words? Between 1,000 and 5,000 words
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed