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Mobile Car Wash Desktop App

Publicado el 15 Marzo, 2023 en Programación y Tecnología

Sobre este proyecto


Create a customized Mobile Car Wash Desktop App with both the dashboard and the booking page. The application must include finance, calendar, weather, users and more (Backend / Dashboard). Booking page for users with all the established requirements (Front).

Contexto general del proyecto

Language stack (back & front): PHP Laravel Vue js html css wordpress (optional) database: mysql / postgresql * application features (mainly dashboard but includes booking form view): general dashboard view = upcoming events, finance graph, completed bookings, report to view the historic scheduled events, possibility to download the reports by pdf calendar view (by month, week and day) = where you can view and add new events lead / bookings view = another way to add booking events, re-assign them, see what we have today, tomorrow, future, to confirm, not assigned, all bookings, declined client view = all the information on the customers, a client leaderboard, the possibility to clients to register and login by themselves saving their information finance view = invoices, payments, expenses, historic view of all the company finances marketing view = email and sms marketing options, coupon codes, gift cards booking portal view = all the settings to customize the booking portal, including the front-end layout. Includes vehicle settings with type, distance based mobile fee, address to measure distance from, cost outside of service area and out of bounds distance, show total to the customer, lead time in the same day, bookings to calendar, weather integration showing the forecast on the day of booking, business hours and custom block time. Layout options that allows custom css and js in every field, with a basic custom form as template, address, category and service picker. The flow should be enter your address, shows if its available, select your service, select addons, select time from a calendar in week view, fill your contact information and before submitting, paying through stripe or credit card. If the users logins their payment and past services should be available to request another service easier. Services = The services include a cost, description, image (optional), title and subtitle. Every service has the same possible addons, adding them should be done through a toggle or how it is currently in the website.

Categoría Programación y Tecnología
Subcategoría Diseño Web
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Disponibilidad requerida Según se necesite
Integraciones de API Payment Processor (Paypal, Stripe, etc.), Cloud Storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), Otros (Otras APIs)
Necesidad específica Otro
Otro Diseño Web Design a customized mobile car wash App

Plazo de Entrega: No definido

Habilidades necesarias