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Web Ui app with integrated ffmpeg commands for transcoding live streams

Publicado em 07 de Agosto de 2020 dias na TI e Programação

Sobre este projeto


PHP/Python App need to be implemented with these specifications for Ubuntu Server 18.04:

1. web ui status page dashboard)
- monitor for a number of total streams, active streams ( online, offline, kb/s bitrate )
- monitor for nvidia gpus status nvdec and nvenc load - exemple in
- Monotor for CPU, Ram and HDD load
All Monitors need to have a history for load od last 24h

2. Streams page
- Manage Streams: List all Streams, Transcoding Profile used in streams (info), Current and continious Transcoding Streams Output Bitrate ( kb/s), Bottons for Stream Start, Stop and Edit.

- Adding New Stream: Fill Name of stream, Fill Input source, Drop menu with choise for Transcoding Profile (already predefenied in Transcoding Profiles), Choise for Output Publish Stream ( hls or http, dependig the nginx settings )

3. Transcoding Profiles
- Manage Profiles: FIll Name, Edit, Delate Profile.
- Add new profile: Fill Name of profile, Fill FFmpeg command (manualy addedd command for executing FFmpeng bin that will be worknig with the input and output provided in every single stream)
Instalation of all dependeces and plugins will be manualy compiled, so just I need these commands to be executed from the App with input and output

- Server HTTP Port: Add port, change.
- Security Whitelist: Add ip address; other ip address; .... (Add IPs that will be able to connect to output strems http port )

5. Settings
- Backup all settings
- Restore all settings

Contexto Geral do Projeto

This WebApp is mainly for transcoding live streams for IPTV

Categoria TI e Programação
Subcategoria Programação
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Tenho, atualmente Eu tenho uma ideia geral
Disponibilidade requerida Conforme necessário
Funções necessárias Desenvolvedor

Prazo de Entrega: 21 de Agosto de 2020

Habilidades necessárias