Analisando propostas

Writer - for video content transcript and article writing

Publicado em 17 de Abril de 2022 dias na Tradução e conteúdos

Sobre este projeto


We are seeking a scientific writer with the following qualifications:

- English as a native language, or language from early childhood.
- Degree in science, preferably biology or chemistry.
- An interest in longevity
- A sense for marketing/sales
- Enthusiastic personality
- Availability to talk without a mask on zoom conference calls
- Experience in writing of popular science works in English
- A portfolio of work in English that can be reviewed
- Writer should have looked around [] before we talk.

It is expected to receive an article based on the video content provided (3 minutes interviews), addressed to communicate the purpose of the company: engage with new investors in biotechnology.

We need to generate 4 articles in two weeks ($45 per article), and we will continue to need more in the near future, as this is part of content creation for our new website.

First video to transcript:

The article should respond to:
What will I get from Joining our syndicate?
Why should I Join our syndicate?
How to Join our syndicate?

Categoria Tradução e conteúdos
Subcategoria Redação para sites
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Disponibilidade requerida Meio período

Duração do projeto De 1 a 3 meses

Habilidades necessárias

Outro projetos publicados por M. C.