Evaluating bids

Real estate agent profile

Published on the October 26, 2019 in Sales & Marketing

About this project


I need a profile of myself written for use online and in print brochures that captures who I am as a person, as a professional, my experience, my skills, my enthusiasm, attention to detail, customer service, marketing and my history with the area and most importantly, how I am different to other cliche type agents. I have fairly good writing skills but somehow can’t seem to word things succinctly and in an attention grabbing manner that really expresses me both professionally and personally. I wrote my profile 5 years ago when I entered the industry and haven’t changed it since so it is now incredibly overdue for an overhaul.

I think it would be safe to assume I am missing out on business leads because of it. Please someone help! Ideally I would like to find someone that I can develop a working relationship with to work on other projects and even just copy for new properties next year.

Category Sales & Marketing
Subcategory Other
Project size Medium
Is this a project or a position? Project
Required availability As needed

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed