Evaluating bids

Educational app needed

Published on the January 04, 2024 in IT & Programming

About this project


Shadowing Club is an educational mobile app available on both Android and iOS platforms. The app should allow students to view their daily assignments in the form of pictures or videos. Students can complete their assignments by recording themselves or sending an audio clip. The app also provides a platform for students to listen to other students’ recordings and react to them. This feature encourages students to learn from each other and helps foster a sense of community.

Project overview

The Shadowing Club is now on WhatsApp but it is time to create an app for all the students to apply this amazing language-learning technique. The available languages are English and Spanish.

Category IT & Programming
Subcategory Apps programming. Android, iOS and others
What is the scope of the project? Create a new app
Is this a project or a position? Project
I currently have I have an idea
Required availability As needed
Required platforms Android, iPhone
I need to Create an app
App type Promotion - Application to promote your business/company
Similar apps Facebook
Back-end is required Yes
Payment gateway Yes

Delivery term: Not specified

Skills needed