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Looking for Sales freelancers

Publicado em 27 de Agosto de 2020 dias na Marketing e Vendas

Sobre este projeto


We are a Mind Engineering Education company, now we are in the process of opening our new branch in Germany after successfully working with students in Australia, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea.
Our subconscious mind determines 95% of our reality, in which we are living a life that we didn't chose, because the first 7 years of our lives,we get programmed by our surroundings, people around us, and the situations that we were in.
So to break free from any bad habits that we have, like demotivation or laziness or lack of self-love or doubt about people etc… we need to go back to our subconscious mind and understand why we do what we do, even though if we don't like it (the habit), we keep on doing it, then we can understand the why, and take it out.

So, we help our students to break all self limitations and have a clear and new vision to their goals and wants, also how to approach them through guidance.
* Payment is on a commission base, 7% of sales, and for every 5 students enrolled a large bonus will be given.
* no limit to students
* courses are online and international

Categoria Marketing e Vendas
Subcategoria Vendedor
Tamanho do projeto Médio
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