Evaluando propuestas

Traducción Española

Publicado el 08 Julio, 2023 en Redacción y Traducción

Sobre este proyecto


I am a lecturer at one of the best universities in Latin America (the best in Central America and the Caribbean). I have been published internationally in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings in several languages (please find a couple of examples attached). I have worked as an academic journal editor as well, and I am currently the Editor-in-chief of the cultural blog phuskine.com

Therefore, I am more than an expert in APA's most recent edition, not only through the lens of a researcher but as a supervisor of higher education projects.

I am a meticulous reader and an editor beyond rigour, so it's close to impossible to find formal shortcomings in a document of mine.

In regard to the communication approach, I have worked both by means of an online document accessible to every party or through regular email updates.

Categoría Redacción y Traducción
Subcategoría Traducción
¿Cuántas palabras? Entre 1000 y 5000 palabras
¿Es un proyecto o una posición? Un proyecto
Disponibilidad requerida Según se necesite

Plazo de Entrega: No definido

Habilidades necesarias