Analisando propostas

Crear contenido en redes sociales y contactar tiendas musicales mercado internacional o Nacional

Publicado em 18 de Janeiro de 2019 dias na Marketing e Vendas

Sobre este projeto


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We are in the search for personnel with the following profile:

Graduated in Optional Music Degree.
Knowledge of electric guitar equipment.
Ability in electric guitar instruments.
Minimum experience of 2 years in the sales area.
Member of a musical group (Not mandatory)
Immediate Availability.
Knowledge in marketing and sales.
Languages: English writing and fluent pronunciation required.

knowledge and management in social networks.
Contact customers for product sales.

Sell audio equipment and musical instruments retail and wholesale.
Give advice on the electronic equipment and musical instruments that you sell.
American market

Discounts on merchandise base salary and commissions for goals achieved

Category: Marketing
Subcategory: social networks
Project size: full time
Is it a project or a position ?: Long-term position
Availability required: full time

Categoria Marketing e Vendas
Subcategoria Publicidade no Google, Facebook
Do que você precisa? Campanhas de orçamento alto ou grande quantidade de produtos e mercados
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Eu não sei ainda
Disponibilidade requerida Período integral

Prazo de Entrega: Não estabelecido

Habilidades necessárias

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