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I need some ms word to be handled

Publicado em 19 de Março de 2024 dias na Tradução e conteúdos

Sobre este projeto


I require assistence in formatting an important document using Microsoft Word. The document contains confidential information regarding an upcoming product launch and needs to be polished to professional standards. Tasks include ensuring consistent styling and formatting throughout, proper structuring of sections and subsections, and fine-tuning visual elements such as headers, page numbers and cover page design. Applicants should have advanced skills in MS Word and experience editing lengthy documents. Strong attention to detail is essential as any errors could impact the success of the launch. Qualified freelancers please submit your proposals demonstrating your expertise and outlining your approach. Selection will be based on demonstrated ability, rate and availability.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

I require assistence in formatting an important document using Microsoft Word. The document contains confidential information regarding an upcoming product launch and needs to be polished to professional standards. Tasks include ensuring consistent styling and formatting throughout, proper structuring of sections and subsections, and fine-tuning visual elements such as headers, page numbers and cover page design. Applicants should have advanced skills in MS Word and experience editing lengthy documents. Strong attention to detail is essential as any errors could impact the success of the launch. Qualified freelancers please submit your proposals demonstrating your expertise and outlining your approach. Selection will be based on demonstrated ability, rate and availability.

Categoria Tradução e conteúdos
Subcategoria Tradução
Quantas palavras? Até 1000 palavras
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Disponibilidade requerida Conforme necessário

Prazo de Entrega: 22 de Março de 2024

Habilidades necessárias