Analisando propostas

Mediator / Facilitator for Consensus Based Cooperative in Major Conflict

Publicado em 20 de Março de 2024 dias na Suporte Administrativo

Sobre este projeto


We are a consensus based team, with an HR Board, and a oversight Board of Directors that is at a stalemate in getting agreement on anything from budget to basic management systems. We already have legal action being pursued, and are trying to build a potential dissolution or new beginning proposal that will get everyone paid their fair share based on client work output, as well as bonuses, loans, and firing workers, and seeing who, if anyone wants to continue with the team.

There is a lot of conflict, we have very organized and clear conflict mediation policies, but at this time the team has devolved into chaos and little to no work is getting done, and no one is following policies and some are not even following terms of involvement.

Any outside mediator will need to be agreed upon by the team by consensus.

Our goal is simply to achieve overall consensus for the agreement.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

We have a clear policy that workers can only do up to 1.5 hours per assigned work priority per week. So it is important that the mediator follows the same policies as the team so that everyone is in alignment. That would mean that the mediator would have about 3 assigned work priorities, which is about 4.5 hours per week with the team. IF the mediator chooses to go longer than 1.5h for a single session, then the rest of the value goes towards backpay bonuses and equity ownership within the team. In that way the mediator like all of the workers will have an incentive to keep sessions short and not last for hours and hours. But if everyone agrees to go for hours and hours that would be equity or bonus, not the work being hired to do. Hopefully that is clear we can add more information as needed and answer any questions.

Categoria Suporte Administrativo
Subcategoria Outros
Tamanho do projeto Médio
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Prazo de Entrega: 08 de Abril de 2024

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Outro projetos publicados por J. B. J. C.