Analisando propostas

Personal Assistant

Publicado em 05 de Fevereiro de 2024 dias na Suporte Administrativo

Sobre este projeto


Hello! I am looking for a virtual assistant to help me with email handling, shopping, researches and fixing of schedules at the end of every month. Working hours are flexible 2 hours a day. This position will require attention to detail and time management skills. If you are experienced and comfortable with the job duties email me your resume to proceed further if interested.

Contexto Geral do Projeto

Hello! I am looking for a virtual assistant to help me with email handling, shopping, researches and fixing of schedules at the end of every month. Working hours are flexible 2 hours a day. This position will require attention to detail and time management skills. If you are experienced and comfortable with the job duties email me your resume to proceed further if interested.

Categoria Suporte Administrativo
Subcategoria Data entry
Isso é um projeto ou uma posição de trabalho? Um projeto
Disponibilidade requerida Meio período

Duração do projeto Mais do que 6 meses

Habilidades necessárias

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